50 x Camellia sasanqua Jennifer Susan hedging… Lovely pink flowers


Camellia sasanqua Jennifer Susan

It is a camellia with an upright growth habit so is a very useful plant for boundary hedges or screening.

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50 x Camellia sasanqua Jennifer Susan Hedging

Camellia Jennifer Susan has double pale pink flowers with wavy edges. The leaves are a shiny dark green.

Long lived and will get to 3m tall if unpruned.

When it comes to using sasanqua camellias as a hedge they form a thick evergreen hedge 2 – 3 metres tall when fully mature (3 to 5 years) if not pruned.

Hardy and evergreen.

Camellias do best in well drained soil with good humus/compost content. Part shade is best but will grow in full sun may require more water in summer. Strong winds can damage the flowers.

50 young plants in 5cm pots about 20cm tall.